Peckett & Sons 0-6-0ST No. 6. This was 1 of 4 6-coupled Pecketts belonging to the Cornwall Electric Power Company (CEPC) located on the north quay of Hayle Harbour. She wears the original Black with white lined livery used by the power station.
  Number 6 / 0-6-0 Peckett ‘Tryfena’ final touches added. DCC ready. This is an amazing RT Models kit and was great fun to build. I always liked the idea of have a few like this on an industrial layout of some kind. Picture narrow gauge NCB line 🤔
  Im really happy with this engine. It was such a pleasant kit to build, and runs beautifully, and of course has benefited from my heavy weathered approach.
 Peckett 0-6-0 'Tryfena' DCC heavily weathered and lined.
 Peckett 0-6-0ST No.6 ‘Tryfena’ made from an RT Models kit.
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