Finally finished the drawing of the locomotive I’ve started building. Is is a slightly modified version of the Stewarts and Lloyds minerals limited meter gauge Peckett and Sons 0-6-0 saddle tanks. There were a number of these Pecketts working in th
  I’ve had plans to eventually start a 00n3 gauge project (00 gauge on 12mm track representing 3ft gauge) as I have so much track. So here is a start I’ve made on a Peckett from the Oxfordshire ironstone industry. It’s made with parts from an old Air
  Good progress on the chassis today. Although I’ve used the Airfix valve gear I will probably use white metal and brass replacements once I have found suitable ones, or I might modify these ones further. I made the connecting rods from strips of lef
  Great progress on the metre gauge 18in Peckett today. I’ve even managed to add the braking system, which looks great I think.. I really enjoy working on a slightly larger prototype than your typical 009 locomotive. I’m absolutely loving this meter
  Slow but sure progress.
  I’ve almost finished construction of the meter gauge Peckett. I must admit, I have cheated a little with the gauge, as I’m using 12mm track in 4mm scale, which represents 3ft in reality, but I’m calling it meter gauge which is 3.28ft. Of course thi
  Ruddy rivet transfers!
  I managed to get the first coat of primer done before the rain started yesterday. Now I will sand the body smooth, and do a second coat of primer. The chassis is just free rolling for now. Once I’ve got my RC controller built I will add the motor,
  Fancy paint techniques underway…
  I’ve almost finished the meter gauge saddle tank locomotive. It is still awaiting transfers and a little coal in the bunker, but for the most part it’s finished. I’m very pleased with the outcome and as its been built using the tank from a butchere
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