Another of Pat’s early projects he rebuilt, this started life as a kit for a La Meuse 2-6-0T and ended up as the handsome 0-6-2T you see here.
  This is my converted Neil Sayer - ‘La Meuse’ I bought on the original run back in 2014 and built immediately, which was probably a mistake as it was a little sloppy in construction. It had been sitting ‘almost finished ‘for over 4 years. 6 months a
  Being cut up for the second time. A general tidy and new paint is definitely on the cards. I do think this is moving in the right direction though. This is only a mock up. I have turned the chassis around to make it a 0-6-2T, added a larger dome, a
  This has started to look like a locomotive again. Ive replaced the foot plate and built the coal bunker. I’ve curved the edges on the coal bunker to match the front edges on the tanks. The coal bunker will now house the decoder instead of it being
  Good progress on the rebuild of 0-6-2 Beyer Peacock - ‘Lamorna’ Almost ready for paint. The name plates and works plates are both by Narrow Planet. The locomotive in a different form is produced by Neil Sayer as the La Meuse 2-6-0T kit, also availa
  Very happy with this beauty now. It’s been fun too. Although all the issues were cosmetic, I do find I learn a lot when I go back over old models.
  This Is the Beyer Peacock 0-6-2T I have converted from the Neil Sayers La Meuse kit. It still needs valve gear, crew, roof attaching, numbering and weathering. I’m pleased with it, although it was most definitely an impulse rebuild, but an improvem
  I’ve certainly improved the quality of the build having originally built it a few years ago. I like the new livery design I have chosen for it too. It’s a new type of livery for my locomotive rooster. Dark crimson-ish with black lining.
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